More than a place to call home, Cool Aid supportive housing offers nutritious meals, mental and physical health care, and life skills. This support is a vital part of helping people rebuild their lives in a safe, caring environment.
Supportive housing sites for seniors
Units added in the last two years
Residents stay housed for over a year

How to Access
Cool Aid has 14 supportive housing locations for adults in the capital region, including in Langford, Saanich, and downtown Victoria. To access, tenants must apply through BC Housing or be connected to an Island Health team.
Our Supportive Housing Locations
- 210 Gorge
- Desmond House
- Johnson Manor
- Mike Gidora Place
- Pandora Apartments
- Queens Manor
- Swift House
- Crosstown
- Tower at Muncey Place
- Cottage Grove
- Fairway Woods
- Mount Edwards
- Olympic Vista
- Hillside Terrace (Assisted Living)

Supportive Housing for Seniors
Four of our supportive housing sites (Cottage Grove, Fairway Woods, Mount Edwards, Olympic Vista), and one assisted living site (Hillside Terrace) are dedicated to seniors. Tenants must apply through BC Housing or be connected to an Island Health team.
How We Help
- Mental and physical health care
- 24/7 staff support
- Nutritious meals
- Connection to other community services
- Harm reduction services