Labour Pool

A sense of purpose is healing.

The Casual Labour Pool helps people who have experienced homelessness, poverty, and mental health and substance use challenges return to the workforce with confidence and independence. We provide skilled, temporary workers to businesses and homeowners to help with gardening and yard work, moving, painting, general office help, and a variety of other jobs.


is the unemployment rate in the capital region.

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people obtained work through Cool Aid’s Labour Pool last year.

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Employers last year


People accessed supports


Types of jobs offered

Hire from Our Casual Labour Pool

Whether you are a business, home owner, gardener, or just in need of some help, let the qualified workers from Cool Aid give you a hand so you can save your time for something you really want to do! We have a wide variety of skilled workers to help.

Join Our Casual Labour Pool

If you’re looking for casual work, Cool Aid’s Casual Labour Pool offers a variety of short-term employment opportunities perfectly suited for your schedule and skillset. To apply, please download the form below, fill it out, and email it to us.

Labour Pool FAQ

Our partners make this program possible.

  • Island Health
  • Laucks Foundation

You can help us.

Donate to CCLP
Rental Housing